Community Templates by DomainPatrol Social

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first: Happy Prosperous New Year! We hope you had a couple of relaxing days around Christmas and now are ready for new adventures in 2016!

This is just a short newsflash with two interesting topics we think you'll like:

New release of DomainPatrol Social for IBM Connections. This will put a smile on all of you Community Managers. We have seen for a long time that a key focus for companies today is to seek to minimize the time and effort they waste on creating something that already exist. To stop reinvent the wheel for good, and instead focus on developing new inventions.

The new function we're talking about is Community Templates. This will let you re-use your perfectly good and working Communities over and over again, with modifications if you like. Find the Community you would like to clone, select which parts of it you want to copy and click OK. Simple as that.

The release is ready to ship, so email us right away for more information, quotes, evaluation license or anything else.

And remember, DomainPatrol Social solves the most difficult tasks in IBM Connections concerning contents and users, such as Merge Communities, Move Communities, Move and Merge Blogs, Activities, Files, Wikis etc. We also handle Complete User Management for Files, Blogs, Wikis etc. Merge Profiles or Copy User Access. Take care of your orphan content today.

New project starts, others end. The organization is constantly changing and consequently your needs.



I’m featured IBM Champion on the new IBM Social Business User Community site

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Are you interested in the IBM Social Business user community? Then this site is a place for you.

Here you can read about events from both IBM and independent user groups, webcasts, twitter feeds, blogs and testemonials.

A place to get together, share ideas and talk about what’s new in social.

And if that is not enough, right now I'm featured IBM Champion on the site as well.

So why wait, click here now.