Together with our clients, we are navigating through change processes, organizational and cultural challenges and alters the foundation of the way of working. Infoware helps you become more efficient by optimizing existing technology, making smart technology choices and offloading the management of mature platforms. Our consultants have in-depth competence and long experience. Infoware is ready to help you to be even better than you thought was possible.
Business Application development
- Development of business and workflow applications and integration of existing applications.
- Large code library with reusable modules
- Task automation e.g., creation of groups, shared mailboxes, communities, teams, or collaboration sites.
Collaboration platform design
- Updating and extension of your existing collaboration platform or selection and implementation of a new secure platform.
- Technical integration of the platform in the existing IT infrastructure (onpremise or in the cloud) and customizations and system integration with other platforms.
- Identity and access management
Data migration from your existing legacy systems and other data sources
- Migration projects both between platforms and various cloud services, such as IBM Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, or SharePoint online
Management processes
- Development of management procedures, operation support and education.
- License review; we ensure that you are properly licensed after the migration including sharing different license models