Free your mind – Infoware Innovation and Idea Jam is here!

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2015 is turning out to be a year of lots of new things for us here at Infoware. You may know that we have been around since 1995, but that doesn't make us neither old, contempt or bored. We are as curious as ever on what's going on in the world, and how we can bring home new innovations, new ways to work, a more social and effective mindset and so on, to our customers. Simply a better day at work!

Not only that, we also do like to contribute to the constant evolving world. One way of doing that is to develop products that makes life easier for our customers. And we think that we are doing something right, since we currently have more than 1,000,000 product licenses running out there right now.

So, so far so good, right? Yees.. But no. We want more! 

One day the other week at the office, one of our senior developers hatched the idea that it would be interesting to hear if any of our customers, resellers or other friends is walking around with a fabulous idea they don't know what to do with. Maybe they have no one to tell it to, and noone who can develop it.

That made us think. And do some planning.

So, welcome to Infoware's Idea Jam! The first in its kind. Our plan is to collect ideas and suggestions for innovations, and see if we can do something with them. If we can implement them in one of our products. Or maybe develop a new one. The ideas can be small or huge, it doesn't matter.

The theme for our idea jam is "simplify our workday with social tools". Since we work with IBM's social software this is the area we target.

The Idea Jam is live until the 22th of May 2015, so feel free to submit your idea below, right now!

What happens with your submitted idea? All ideas will be reviewed by our team of developers, and you will of course receive feedback directly to you.

The best idea wins a fabulous pair of headphones!

So join us and submit your idea here!