IBM Champion newbie! (and a rock star?)

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This must be a perfect Tuesday. Yesterday I received the news that I am selected as IBM Champion for Social Business for 2016. My phone almost got over heated from all the congrats messages, Twitter mentions and emails. I was thinking: "Is this how it feels to be a rock star?" It must be. 🙂

This has been a fantastic year for me which started in Orlando and IBM ConnectED, rolled on with Social Connections in Boston, working hard through spring and summer with lots and lots of projects and deals to complete and now peaked in November and Social Connections in Stuttgart.

Thanks to the IBM Champion team for selecting me, thanks to those who nominated me, thanks to my company Infoware for believing in me, and thanks to the Social Connections team for challenging me to do great things.

You are all awesome!




  1. Robert Farstad  November 27, 2015

    Heheyyy, congrats!! Well deserved.

  2. Mat Newman  November 26, 2015

    Congratulations! 🙂


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